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More Information LIFE15 CCA/ES/000058 Sustainable Mountain Huts In Europe More information Mountain huts in Europe

Sustainable Project

Improve the sustainability of mountain refuges, through the integration of renewable energies, improved efficiency and isolation.

Twelve huts

Demonstration in 12 huts of 4 European countries (hydrogen cycle in one of them)

Expandable Project

Replicable to other isolated facilities.

CO2 per hut
NOx per hut
Energy consumed per hut
Life SustainHuts

Is a demonstrative project which aims to reduce CO2 emissions in natural environments acting in huts by implementing novel and original renewable energy based solutions and allowing local authorities having several demo sites to start thinking in the implementation of an action plan in order to contribute to reduce this emissions in all constructions of this type such us huts, hotels in natural parks or in places where nature is the main important part or in other touristic zones in isolated places (e.g. islands).

The different technologies to be applied will be based on photovoltaic, micro hydro power and wind energy generation, fuel cells, electrolysers, hydrogen storage as well as new insulated materials which will be installed in the huts in order to demonstrate, show and educated in the climate change adaptation.

Implementation Actions SustainHuts
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