SustainHuts project continues to contribute to improving air…
SustainHuts Project celebrates the third year meeting
SustainHuts project gathered all the partners last June 17th, in one of the huts included in the project, Lizara, in order to analyse the progress during last year and to organize the last phases of the project, in which the rest of the installations will be completed and the final impact will be monitored.
In the meeting were represented the Spanish partners (Hydrogen Aragon Foundation and Aragonese Mountaineering Federation), Italian (Italian Alpine Club and Environmental Park) and Slovenian ones (University of Ljubljana, Alpine Association of Slovenia and Development Center for Hydrogen Technologies), evaluating the project objectives achieved during the third year. Furthermore, the actions to developed during the next year were thoroughly discussed since will be decisive to achieve the expected objectives as it corresponds to the last one of the project.
During the meeting, the partners analysed the technologies already installed in the huts as well as those which will be installed proximately, focusing on the protocols which will allow for monitoring the impact of the executed actions. Besides, financial and dissemination topics were checked, as well as the planning and preparation of the future activities related to the project.
SustainHuts project starts its last year with the most part of the expected technologies already installed in the facilities. Some huts like Lizara or Torino are already in monitoring period, measuring the impact achieved, so the next main objective is to finalise the rest of the installations, to be done during the near summer, and to begin analyzing whether expected impact targets are being achieved.